New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) provides the concrete resources that working artists and emerging arts organizations need to thrive.

Our professional development programs include panels, workshops, individual consultations, and training opportunities. To be notified of any events, workshops, and open calls, grants and awards, please sign up here or visit our website 

Established in 1971 as an independent organization to serve individual artists throughout the state, the mission of New York Foundation for the Arts (NYFA) is to empower emerging artists and arts organizations across all disciplines at critical stages in their creative lives and professional/organizational development. In 2009, we extended our programs and services throughout the United States and the international community.

Solicite ahora: Programa de Tutoría de Artistas Inmigrantes 2024 San Antonio, TX

La fecha límite para postularse a este competitivo programa con sede en San Antonio es el miércoles 31 de julio a las 11:59 p.m. CT


Read in English


¿Es usted un artista inmigrante que vive y/o trabaja en el área de San Antonio? ¿Está buscando construir una comunidad y aprender herramientas que harán avanzar su carrera artística? En caso afirmativo, considere unirse a la creciente comunidad de artistas inmigrantes de la Fundación para las Artes de Nueva York (NYFA) y solicite ser parte del Programa de Mentoría de Artistas Inmigrantes. 

Con el apoyo de la Fundación del Área de San Antonio, NYFA tiene el honor de regresar a San Antonio con el Programa. El programa se llevó a cabo anteriormente en 2018 y 2019 en colaboración con socios locales de San Antonio, y ambos grupos exhibieron trabajos en el Centro de Artes una vez concluidos sus respectivos programas.

Para el programa de este año, agradecemos el apoyo de la Galería Russell Hill Rogers de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio, que presentarán obras visuales y escénicas de mentores y aprendices en una exposición de otoño de 2025.

Este programa competitivo está abierto a artistas de todas las disciplinas (artes escénicas, literarias, visuales, multidisciplinarias, video/cine, artes populares y tradicionales, prácticas socialmente comprometidas y más). Los participantes aceptados recibirán un estipendio modesto y tendrán la oportunidad de participar en la exposición antes mencionada en el otoño de 2025. Se desarrollará desde Septiembre de 2024 hasta Enero de 2025, y la fecha límite de solicitud es el Miércoles 31 de Julio de 2024 a las 11:59 p.m. CT.  

Objetivos del programa 

  • Brindar soporte personalizado. El programa empareja a artistas inmigrantes con mentores que los guían para lograr objetivos específicos y les brindan un acceso más amplio al mundo cultural de los EE. UU. a través de un intercambio de ideas, recursos y experiencias.
  • Construir una comunidad. El programa fomenta una comunidad local de artistas, ofreciendo oportunidades para que los participantes se conecten y compartan recursos con otros artistas inmigrantes, profesionales de las artes, organizaciones y ex alumnos del programa desde 2007 hasta el presente, a través de reuniones grupales y aprendizaje entre pares. 

Al fomentar un espacio seguro e inclusivo y construir una comunidad de artistas, el programa ofrece a los artistas inmigrantes la oportunidad de enfocarse en sus objetivos profesionales mientras navegan por las experiencias y desafíos compartidos de ser un artista inmigrante.  

Beneficios del programa

  • Tutoría 1 a 1 
  • Talleres de desarrollo profesional que brindan a los artistas los principios fundamentales de la sostenibilidad en las artes (temas previos: cultivar relaciones con curadores, planificación estratégica, finanzas, marketing y recaudación de fondos, etc.)
  • Oportunidad de ser seleccionado para exhibir su trabajo en las Galerías Russell Hill Rogers de la Universidad de Texas en San Antonio en el otoño de 2025.  
  • Oportunidades de establecer contactos con el grupo del programa, ex alumnos del Programa de Mentoría IAP, profesionales de las artes y miembros del personal de varias organizaciones artísticas, incluidos nuestros socios culturales en el área de San Antonio y más allá.
  • Un estipendio modesto de $200 para apoyar la participación en el programa.


Socios Culturales

University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA), Centro Cultural Aztlan, Contemporary at Blue Star  


  • Artistas que trabajan en todas las disciplinas y que viven dentro del área de San Antonio (a poca distancia de San Antonio). Se dará prioridad a los artistas que viven y trabajan en San Antonio; sin embargo, el programa está abierto a artistas en Texas que se encuentren a poca distancia de San Antonio.
  • Capaz de asistir a reuniones presenciales obligatorias en el área de San Antonio.
  • Artistas nacidos fuera de los EE. UU. o en los territorios de los EE. UU. (Puerto Rico o Guam, Islas Vírgenes de los EE. UU.), o artistas cuyos padres/cuidadores nacieron fuera de los EE. UU./EE. UU. territorios (inmigrantes de primera generación) pueden aplicar. *
  • Haber seguido una carrera como artista dentro del rango de 1 a 10 años en los Estados Unidos.**
  • NO están actualmente inscritos en un programa de posgrado o licenciatura en artes. Los estudiantes que se graduaron antes de que comience el programa pueden presentar su solicitud.  

* Si tiene una experiencia de inmigrante única que no cumple con los requisitos de elegibilidad establecidos y cree que se beneficiaría de este programa, comuníquese con con información sobre su historia de inmigrante. Los refugiados/solicitantes de asilo pueden presentar su solicitud.

** Este programa suele beneficiar a quienes se encuentran en etapas más emergentes de sus carreras en los EE. UU. Si ha estado siguiendo una carrera como artista en los EE. UU. durante más de 10 años y cree que se beneficiaría de este programa, comuníquese con con información sobre su experiencia como inmigrante.  


Para la solicitud, le pedimos que proporcione:

  • Sus objetivos a corto y largo plazo y por qué está interesado en aplicar a este programa
  • Cualquier desafío que enfrente en su práctica artística, incluida su experiencia como inmigrante, y cómo le gustaría trabajar con un mentor para buscar soluciones.
  • Una biografía narrativa de tu carrera profesional.
  • Un enlace a su presencia en línea (por ejemplo, sitio web o redes sociales, etc.)
  • Muestras de obras  

Fechas de las reuniones obligatorias del programa

En colaboración con socios con sede en San Antonio, el programa tendrá 2 talleres intensivos de fin de semana, 1 reunión informal a mitad del programa entre los fines de semana intensivos y apoyo de tutoría individual durante todo el programa.   

Primer Fin de Semana Intensivo (en persona)

  • Sábado 21 de Septiembre, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Domingo 22 de Septiembre, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM 

Registro y reunión a mitad del programa (en persona)

  • Miércoles 20 de noviembre, 4:30 AM - 9:00 PM

Intensivo de fin de semana final (en persona)

  • Sábado 25 de Enero,  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
  • Domingo 26 de Enero,  10:00 AM - 4:00 PM

Apoyo de tutoría 1 a 1

  • Fechas concertadas con mentores individuales. Las reuniones podrán ser presenciales y/o en línea. 

Los programas en persona se implementarán de acuerdo con las pautas de salud locales y estatales. Todos los lugares de reunión estarán ubicados en el área metropolitana de San Antonio. El programa se trasladará en línea, si es necesario.

La asistencia es obligatoria a todas las sesiones, así que consulte su calendario antes de presentar la solicitud.

¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con el equipo IAP en  

Proceso de selección

El proceso de selección tiene varias fases:

1. Con el apoyo de socios culturales locales, la NYFA identificará artistas profesionales establecidos de una variedad de disciplinas, cuyos antecedentes reflejen el grupo de solicitantes, para que sirvan como mentores.

2. Los mentores revisarán las solicitudes de los aprendices centrándose en la visión artística de los solicitantes, los recursos que buscan y los objetivos profesionales. Se tiene en cuenta la capacidad de los mentores para ofrecer los recursos y la información necesarios que busca el solicitante.

3. La NYFA participará en el proceso de identificación del grupo de aprendices, considerando la composición de la cohorte en su conjunto y al mismo tiempo alineando parejas mutuamente beneficiosas de mentores y aprendices.  

Cómo aplicar

Enlace de solicitud: haga clic aquí para revisar las pautas de solicitud y presentar la solicitud a través de Submittable. Los usuarios nuevos deberán registrarse en Submittable para acceder al portal de aplicaciones.

Fecha límite de solicitud: miércoles 31 de julio a las 11:59 p. m. CT

Notificaciones: Para finales de agosto 


Para solicitar una adaptación o asistencia para la solicitud, envíe un correo electrónico a o comuníquese al 212-366-6900 Ext 265. Solicitamos que las solicitudes de adaptación se realicen lo más antes posible o antes del Miércoles 24 de Julio, para permitir tiempo adecuado para que el personal le ayude a presentar una solicitud antes de la fecha límite.

¿Preguntas? Comuníquese con el equipo de IAP en e incluya “San Antonio” en la línea de asunto.  


“Aprecié cómo la NYFA adaptó el programa a nuestras necesidades y situaciones particulares. El programa nos ayudó a ganar perspectiva, intercambiar y compartir experiencias, y crear estrategias para desarrollar nuestras carreras. Mi mentor me ayudó a ver mi práctica y mi enfoque de una manera nueva y me dio muchos consejos prácticos para lograr mis objetivos”. – José Balli (IAP: San Antonio '18)

“NYFA IAP ha cambiado mi vida como artista en Estados Unidos. Siempre estaré agradecido a la gente de NYFA IAP que nos apoyó en todas las formas posibles, lo que allanó nuestro camino hacia un futuro mejor”. – Bipasha Hayat (IAP: Artista visual y multidisciplinaria NYC ‘23)

“Participar en este programa ha sido una experiencia transformadora para mí. Como alguien que siempre soñó con ser artista, este programa me abrió los ojos a la realidad de seguir una carrera en el arte. Me ha demostrado que, si bien el viaje puede ser desafiante, no es imposible, especialmente cuando está impulsado por la pasión. A través del programa, gané confianza en mis habilidades artísticas y aprendí a valorar mi trabajo como una contribución importante al mundo. Me ayudó a liberarme de las normas culturales que socavan la importancia del arte, permitiéndome abrazar mi identidad como artista con orgullo. Estoy increíblemente agradecido por el apoyo y la orientación que he recibido y estoy emocionado de continuar mi viaje artístico con determinación y propósito”. – Hadeel Saalok (IAP: Artista visual y multidisciplinario NYC '24)



Nuestro agradecimiento a la University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA), Centro Cultural Aztlan, Contemporary at Blue Star por albergar nuestras reuniones grupales. 

El Programa de Mentoría de Artistas Inmigrantes 2024 de la NYFA: San Antonio es posible gracias al generoso apoyo de la Fundación del Área de San Antonio.

Nuestro agradecimiento a Luis Valderas, miembro de la Junta de NYFA, y a Kim Bishop por su continuo apoyo a este programa.


Obtenga más información sobre el Programa de Mentoría de Artistas Inmigrantes y no olvide suscribirse al boletín mensual de ConEdison IAP para recibir oportunidades y eventos, así como características de artistas directamente en su bandeja de entrada.

Apply Now: 2024 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program San Antonio, TX

The deadline to apply to this competitive San Antonio-based program is Wednesday, July 31, 11:59 PM CT.

Leer en español


Are you an immigrant artist living and/or working in the San Antonio area? Are you looking to build a community and learn tools that will advance your arts career? If yes, consider joining New York Foundation for the Arts’ (NYFA) growing immigrant artist community and apply to be part of the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program

With the support of San Antonio Area Foundation, NYFA is honored to return to San Antonio with the Program. The program was previously conducted in 2018 and 2019 in collaboration with San Antonio local partners, with both cohorts exhibiting work at Centro de Artes after their respective programs concluded. 

For this year's program, we are grateful for the support of University of Texas San Antonio’s Russell Hill Rogers Galleries, which will feature visual and performing works by mentors and mentees in a Fall 2025 exhibition.

This competitive program is open to artists from all disciplines (performing, literary, visual, multi-disciplinary, video/film, folk and traditional arts, socially engaged practices, and beyond). Accepted participants will receive a modest stipend and have the opportunity to participate in the aforementioned exhibition in Fall 2025. The will run from September 2024 to January 2025, and the application deadline is Wednesday, July 31, 2024, 11:59 PM CT.

Program Goals 

  • Provide one-on-one support. The program pairs immigrant artists with artist mentors who guide them to achieve specific goals and provide them with broader access to the U.S. cultural world through an exchange of ideas, resources, and experiences.
  • Build a community. The program fosters a local community of artists, offering opportunities for participants to connect and share resources with other immigrant artists, arts professionals, organizations, and program alumni from 2007 to the present, through group meetings and peer learning. 

Through fostering an inclusive safe space and building a community of artists, the program offers immigrant artists the opportunity to focus on their career goals while navigating the shared experiences and challenges of being an immigrant artist.


Program Benefits

  • 1-on-1 mentorship 
  • Professional development workshops that provide artists with the fundamental principles of sustainability in the arts (previous topics: cultivating relationships with curators, strategic planning, finance, marketing, and fundraising, etc.)
  • Opportunity to be selected to exhibit your work in University of Texas San Antonio’s Russell Hill Rogers Galleries in Fall 2025.  
  • Networking opportunities with the program cohort, IAP Mentoring Program alumni, arts professionals, and staff members from various arts organizations, including our Cultural Partners in the San Antonio area and beyond.
  • A modest stipend of $200 to support participating in the program. 


Cultural Partners

University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA), Centro Cultural Aztlan, The Contemporary at Blue Star



  • Artists working in all disciplines who live within the San Antonio area (within commuting distance of San Antonio). Priority will be given to artists living and working in San Antonio; however the program is open to artists in Texas within commuting distance of San Antonio.
  • Able to attend mandatory in-person meetings in the San Antonio area.
  • Artists born outside of the U.S. or in the U.S. territories (Puerto Rico or Guam, The U.S. Virgin Islands), or artists whose parents/caregivers were born outside of the U.S./U.S. territories (1st generation immigrants) may apply. *
  • Have been pursuing a career as an artist within the range of 1-10 years in the United States.**
  • Are NOT currently enrolled in an arts graduate or undergraduate degree program. Students who will graduate before the program starts are welcome to apply.

* If you have a unique immigrant experience that doesn’t meet the stated eligibility and feel you would benefit from this program, please reach out to with some information on your immigrant story. Refugees/asylum seekers are welcomed to apply.

** This program often benefits those who are at more emerging stages in their U.S. careers. If you’ve been pursuing a career as an artist in the U.S. for more than 10 years and feel you would benefit from this program, please reach out to with some information on your immigrant experience.



For the application, we ask you to provide:

  • Your short and long term goals and why you are interested in applying to this program
  • Any challenges you are facing in your artistic practice, including your immigrant experience, and how you would like to work with a mentor to seek solutions
  • A narrative bio of your professional career
  • A link to your online presence (e.g. website or social media etc.)
  • Work samples


Mandatory Program Meeting Dates

In collaboration with San Antonio-based partners, the program will have 2 weekend intensive workshops, 1 mid-program informal gathering between the intensive weekends, and 1-on-1 mentoring support throughout the program. 


First Weekend Intensive (in-person)

  • Saturday, September 21, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Sunday, September 22, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Mid-Program Check-in & Gathering (in-person)

  • Wednesday, November 20, 4:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Final Weekend Intensive (in-person)

  • Saturday, January 25, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Sunday, January 26, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM 

1-on-1 mentoring support

  • Dates arranged with individual mentors. Meetings could be in-person and/or online. 


In-person programs will be implemented in accordance with local and state health guidelines. Meeting locations will all be based in the San Antonio Metropolitan Area. The program will be moved online, if necessary.

Attendance is mandatory for all sessions, so please check your calendar before applying.

Questions? Contact the IAP Team at 


Selection Process

The selection process has several phases:

    1. With the support of local cultural partners, NYFA will identify established professional artists from a variety of disciplines—whose backgrounds reflect the applicant pool—to serve as mentors.

2. Mentors will review mentee applications focusing on the applicants’ artistic vision, resources they are looking for, and career goals. The mentors’ ability to offer the necessary resources and information that the applicant is seeking is taken into consideration.

3. NYFA will participate in the process of identifying the pool of mentees, considering the cohort makeup as a whole while aligning mutually beneficial pairings of mentors and mentees.

How to Apply

Application Link: Click here to review the application guidelines and to apply via Submittable. First-time users will need to register with Submittable to access the application portal.

Application Deadline: Wednesday, July 31, 11:59 PM CT

Notifications: By End of August 


To request an accommodation or assistance in applying, please email or contact 212-366-6900 Ext 265. We ask that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible or by Wednesday, July 24, to allow adequate time for staff to support you in submitting an application before the deadline.

Questions? Contact the IAP Team at and include “San Antonio” in the subject line.


“I appreciated how NYFA tailored the program to our particular needs and situations. The program helped us gain perspective, exchange and share experiences, and create strategies to develop our careers. My mentor helped me look at my practice and approach in a new way, and gave me a lot of practical advice for achieving my goals.“ – Jose Balli (IAP: San Antonio ‘18)

“NYFA IAP has changed my life as an artist in the USA. I am ever grateful to the NYFA IAP people who supported us in every way possible, which paved our path for a better future.” – Bipasha Hayat (IAP: Visual and Multidisciplinary Artist NYC ‘23)

“Participating in this program has been a transformative experience for me. As someone who always dreamed of being an artist, this program has opened my eyes to the realities of pursuing a career in art. It's shown me that while the journey may be challenging, it's not impossible, especially when fueled by passion. Through the program, I've gained confidence in my artistic abilities and learned to value my work as an important contribution to the world. It's helped me break free from cultural norms that undermine the significance of art, empowering me to embrace my identity as an artist with pride. I'm incredibly grateful for the support and guidance I've received, and I'm excited to continue my artistic journey with determination and purpose.” – Hadeel Saalok (IAP: Visual and Multidisciplinary Artist NYC ‘24)



Our thanks to University of Texas, San Antonio (UTSA), Centro Cultural Aztlan, Contemporary at Blue Star  for hosting our group meetings. 

NYFA’s 2024 Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program: San Antonio is made possible by the generous support of the San Antonio Area Foundation.

Our thanks to Luis Valderas, NYFA Board Member, and Kim Bishop for their continued support of this program.


Learn more about the Immigrant Artist Mentoring Program, and don’t forget to sign up for the monthly ConEdison IAP Newsletter to receive opportunities and events as well as artist features directly to your inbox.





Artists of all disciplines living and working near Sullivan County, NY are encouraged to apply to participate in this free entrepreneurial program to be presented by Delaware Valley Arts Alliance (DVAA) in Narrowsburg, NY from September 5 - 8.


About the NYSCA/NYFA Artist as Entrepreneur Program

The NYSCA/NYFA Artist as Entrepreneur Program is an intensive professional development opportunity that serves artists and creatives of all disciplines (including visual, literary, performing arts, among others). This 3.5 day program delves into the fundamental principles of sustainability in the arts, empowering artists with the tools to imagine and pursue success as they define it.

Whether you’re looking for a shift in thinking, strategies for your arts/creative business, or peer networks, this program provides dynamic planning tools for building a blueprint for your creative practice or arts project.

Participants will Benefit From:

  • Dive into Content: Dive into topics including strategic planning, marketing, fundraising, financial literacy, writing about your work, and/or art law, with additional material adapted from NYFA’s popular The Profitable Artist (Allworth Press, 2018) textbook. 
  • Participate in Work Sample Reviews: Receive work sample reviews from professionals in their discipline, such as curators and artistic directors. Designed to give artists insight into the jury selection process, this individualized feedback is modeled after NYFA’s Fellowship Program.
  • Join a Peer Cohort: Gain access to a community of like-minded peers working across disciplines, with opportunities to stay in touch to support each others’ creative practice beyond the program. 
  • Access Arts Industry Experts: Led by NYFA’s expert staff and arts industry experts in your community, such as local funders, curators, presenters, publishers, artistic directors, etc.
  • Develop an Artist Action Plan: Work through flexible and dynamic tools that will provide a blueprint for your practice or specific arts project. You’ll have the opportunity to share and discuss this “Artist Action Plan” among your peers.
  • Engage with Your Creative Community: Customized to fit the needs of participants and partners hosting the program, each program’s structure includes a blend of presentations, panels, interactive workshops, and breakout groups.

Deadline: Apply by Thursday, July 18th, 11:59PM. 


Program Dates and Details


  • Artists of all disciplines (Visual, Multidisciplinary, Performing, Literary, Interdisciplinary, Social Practice, Folk and Traditional, Film, Video and New Media) and career stages, including students, are encouraged to apply.          
  • Open to artists living and working within a commuting distance of Sullivan County, NY. Priority will be given to New York State residents.           

Program Dates

  • Attendance is mandatory to all sessions:
    Meet and Greet and Artist as Entrepreneur Introductions
       Thursday, September 5, from 5:00 PM - 8:00 PM
       Friday - Saturday, September 6-8, 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM daily
    Please check your calendar before applying.

How to Apply

  • Please submit an application via Submittable by Thursday, July 18, 11:59 PM. First-time users will need to register with Submittable to access the application portal. For technical questions regarding submittable, please contact Submittable support.

Application Requirements

  • Artists interested in attending are required to apply. For the application, we ask you provide:
  1. Your long-term goals and why you are interested in applying to this program
  2. A narrative bio of your professional career
  3. A link to your website or online presence
  4. Work samples with work statement and description (please note these materials be reviewed by arts professionals as part of the Work Sample Review portion of the program). 

Selection Process & Notification

  • Applications are selected through a panel review process with representatives from both NYFA and the partnering organization, along with outside professionals on a case-by-case basis. All applicants will be notified by July 25, 2024.



Please email with the subject line “Artist as Entrepreneur, DVAA.”

To request an accommodation or assistance in applying, please email We ask that requests for accommodation be made as soon as possible or by Wednesday, July 3, to allow adequate time for staff to support you in submitting an application before the deadline.

This program is made possible through New York State Council on the Arts, State & Local Partnerships with the support of the Governor's Office and the New York State Legislature. 

This program is part of NYFA Learning, which includes professional development for artists and arts administrators. Sign up for NYFA’s free bi-weekly newsletter to receive updates on future programs.


NYFA's Professional Development